RRI Pro 4 stands for Radio Republik Indonesia, which is the nation’s radio. This consists of four channels, and the 4th one is representing education, culture, and art. Headquarter is located in Jakarta. Pro4 provides 19-hour streaming in a day.
The music Genre is education/ culture/ entertainment. RRI has one slogan for all four channels, that is, “Sekali di udara, tetap di udara” English translation is “Once on air, always on the air.” Its operational frequency is AM 540 kHz. All programs are delivered in Indonesian.
The mission of RRI Pro 4
The station’s establishment purpose is to develop educational broadcasts to enlighten, educate, and empower and encourage community creativity in the framework of building national characteristics.
Targeted Audience
It attracts those who are connected with literature and traditions. Most of the audience lies between the age group of 13 years to 49 years old.
The programming format is based on information, education, and cultural programs Traditional; ethnic music pop area Featured Program.
1. Rampak Ngawangun: It is a special educational event for rural communities, especially farmers, in responding to life and farming, especially about plant pests and diseases. The broadcast time is Monday to Saturday from 17.00 to 18.00 WIB.
2. Title kawih pasunda: this is all about entertainment and cultural broadcasts in the form of live broadcasts of clamping performances, Sundanese gamelang by the RRI Bandung arts team; this event aims to increase public appreciation of West Java regional arts and provide the widest possible space for the creativity of Sundanese artists. Broadcast time id Week 1 and 4 at 11.25 – 13.00 WIB.
3. Heuheuy Deudeu: The popular Sundanese pop music entertainment program combined with small talk between two presenters, young and old, addresses actual issues. Its aim to provide an understanding of healthy entertainment. On-air timings are on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Saturday at 06.15 – 09.00 WIB.
Contact Details
Address: Jl. Diponegoro Bandung
Phone: 22 720 7031
Email: beritakbrn@gmail.com
Official Website: http://www.rri.co.id/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/RadioRepublikIndonesia/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/RRI
Also Listen: iRadio FM