Voice of Maldives/Dhivehi Raajjeyge Adu is a broadcasting radio station in the Republic of Maldives. The station owned and operated by the Ministry of Information Arts and Culture under the Government of Maldives. It has one leading broadcasting and two re-broadcasting centers. It covers 90% of Maldives through MW (Medium Wave transmission) at 1449 kHz, and the remaining 10% covers via a radio uplink/downlink from satellites. The content of programs consists of information, entertainment, education, news, traditions, culture, ideology, values, and music. It on-air its transmission on 91.0 MHz frequency in the Maldivian language 24 hours a day.
History of Voice of Maldives FM 91:
On 29 December 1962, it started its broadcasting as MALE’ RADIO. In the beginning, it had a normal radio communication set and not had any specialized knowledge of broadcasting. It on-aired five to ten-minute programming and two-minute news with local broadcasting equipment. In the duration of one year, it took over by a cinema company and broadcasting service. It was renamed SENECO RADIO. On 11 September 1966, the government-owned station’s operations. It again changed its name to the Maldives Island Broadcasting service (MIBS) on 19 February 1967.
On 16 February 1969, due to its popularity and advancement in technology, the government took action to renamed Radio Maldives and re-design the program structure. FM played an essential role in religious teachings station has 100% Muslim country from 1970. It on-aired Dhivehi translation of Quran in the morning and still broadcast daily. On 19 January 1980, President Maumoon Abdul Gayyoom again change its name to Voice of Maldives. With time, FM gained immense popularity and became an entertaining radio station in the country due to its amazing programming and professional presenters.
Contact Details:
Address: Ameenee Magu, 20331 Male’, Maldives
Contact Number: +(960)300 0200
Email ID: info@psm.mv
Official Website: http://www.psm.mv/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/DhivehiFM/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/DhivehiFm