Radio Enikass FM 97.1 is located in Jalalabad, Afghanistan. It broadcasts transmission in Pashto and Dari. It is a nonprofit freelance radio owned by a private organization. Its program formate is News, talk shows, live reports, and local music. It has a lot of listeners in the territory. You can also listen to it through the web. This FM station follows the Islamic teaching and Afghan traditions. It works for the peace and the security of the country.
Commitment of Radio Enikass:
The radio network strives and tries to spread the divine message of Islam among everyone in the world, being the message of peace and tranquility irrelevant of the caste and creed. It has committed itself to discuss Islamic issues and ongoing Islamic scenarios. The radio also thinks that they must spread this message. So that everyone is far from lies and sinister. And that everyone realizes true brotherhood and other precious Islamic values. Because these are the values which keep a person away from an irrational and fabricated mind.
This Afghan FM channel came into being on October 29, 2011. The word Enikaas is a Pashto word, and in Pashto, it means reflection. Since its inception in 2011, Enikaas has worked hard to make it way up, through all these years by adding a few more topics of discussion as national integrity national security and country building. Its competitors are Radio Zala FM 92.1, Radio Amaan GHAG.
Contact Details:
Address: 2601 Jalalabad, Afghanistan
Contact Number: +9378 162 6252, +9370 062 6252
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